Steve Luther Elementary School

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Lots to celebrate at Luther's Sixth Grade Promotion Ceremony!

Lots to celebrate at Luther's Sixth Grade Promotion Ceremony!

Fourth graders got into character during this year's 49ers Day event.

Fourth graders get into character during Luther’s 49ers Day event.

Sixth graders joined Police Interaction with Youth program leader, Officer Gary Wilson, at La Palma's Parade of Nations.

Sixth graders join the Police Interaction with Youth program leader, Officer Gary Wilson, at La Palma's Festival of Nations parade. 

Luther's Field Day event was the perfect way to end the school year!

Luther's Field Day event is the perfect way to end the school year!

Luther School’s principal and office staff take a break to pose for the camera.

Luther School’s principal and office staff take a break to pose for the camera.

Costume Parade 2022

Luther students and staff love the costume parade in October!

High Trails

Sixth graders have an unforgettable week at High Trails Outdoor Science School. 

Music Performance

Luther students entertain family and friends at the school’s annual music performance.

Band Concert

Luther School musicians perform in the districtwide band concerts.

News & Announcements

No school on Monday February 10

Luther families are reminded that there is no school for students or staff on Monday, February 10, in observance of Lincoln's birthday.

No school on Monday January 20

Luther parents are reminded that there is no school on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
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